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Financial Grants - Leveraging Technology

We developed an end-to-end digital payments transformation through an optimized process design to improve quality, reduce risk and ensure the recipient is at the centre


In response to an expanded mandate, the client undertook a strategic initiative to redefine its business processes for effective implementation. This highlighted a significant skills shortages and surfaced opportunities for the client to redesign their grant distribution process. However, the business did not have the capabilities to understand their risks, impact of the required strategic change or to how to develop a plan to deliver on this change.


Our Approach

​We undertook a comprehensive review of its end-to-end business operations to identify opportunities for improving efficiency and leveraging technology.



The key steps were:


  1. As-Is analysis - gathering inputs from various internal and external stakeholders and augmented this with on-site visits and findings from qualitative studies, including interviews, surveys, and mystery shopper investigations. This ensured a holistic understanding of the existing processes and challenges.

  2. Future design – created an end-to-end future digitally enabled design for the grant application and payouts, focusing on digital integration, user experience plus efficiency and transparency.

  3. Develop an Action Plan -  Identifying the gaps between the current operations and the desired future state. This analysis pinpointed specific areas requiring change and development. Development of a high-level roadmap to guide the transition to the future state taking resources and risks management into account.



Our client experience tangible benefits, including enhanced operational efficiency, optimized resource utilization, and substantial savings were realized, thanks to the streamlined future model. Additionally, the implementation of a digital payments process expanded the range of payout options for beneficiaries, improving accessibility and security.

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